
This blog is about whatever the hell I want it to be. Which is mostly movies, comics, videogames and literature for the most part.

Occasionally it is funny.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Update post

So! I didn't go to jail. The courthouse just nailed me for $500. Pheh.

And we had our D&D night!

It went pretty much how I predicted. We spent most of the night creating characters. I say "we" because every 3 seconds it was "McK what the hell's an ability modifier?" and "what are my skillzzzz?" and "Heheh, feet. Oh, feat. What's a feat?"

Which was perfectly fine and I walked them through it. I only lost my patience once with my little brother because I'd be talking to someone and he'd just start talking(you have to understand--he is loud) like the other people weren't important (AHEM, take note, little brother).

And then we started the campaign I had scribbled together at the last instant. I had most of it already plotted and had planned to flesh it out but we were doing this over at my Mother's because she suddenly had an urge to cook for all my friends (it was awesome. Too much food + delicious food = awesome dinner. The kind of dinner where after a couple hours you float back to the table and fill another plate). I was there early and my mom's the kind of lady that if she's working, she finds things for idle hands to do. Nothing wrong with this, just set me back.

Anyway! The story I whipped up was based in the Forgotten Realms on the Sword Coast. Neverwinter specifically. Neverwinter is in heavy negotiations with Luskan during their war and a kid is kidnapped by goblins. Neverwinter doesn't want to spark off the war again so they turn to four adventurers.

Pretty simple.

Only in my haste I mislabeled Silverymoon as Neverwinter (prolly because I played Neverwinter Nights too much) and told them that Alustriel was the one calling the shots. I have only just now figured this out (oops!). Retcon time!

Anyway, they had a good time and little brother is begging to play again so I guess it was a success despite my blundering of the storyline.



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