
This blog is about whatever the hell I want it to be. Which is mostly movies, comics, videogames and literature for the most part.

Occasionally it is funny.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Tiny computer is Tiny.

So for my birthday this year all I wanted was a notebook. One of those tiny computers that are basically only good for storing music and using a word processor.

I run around a lot and I got tired of using a thumb drive to keep all my shit together (also they break on me for some reason. My gaming computer at home won't accept them anymore and just gives me ENDLESS ERRORS FOREVER if I try to use one and I was too lazy to fix it) so I asked my mommy pretty please can I have a tiny computer for my birfday.

I likes it!

That is all.



  1. Dropping by to wish you a (belated) happy birthday on Jess' orders ;-)
    Hope you had a good day and that Jess will give you a cool present.

  2. Hah! Thanks a bunch. Last week has been kinda crazy or I woulda noticed sooner! Thanks again.
